
The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

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The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

Not just anyone can be a roofer. To excel in this profession, you have to be bold and strong. You must be able to heave a heavy bundle of shingles up a ladder, drive nails into a hard surface, tell the difference between minor and severe damage, and so much more. Roofers do not always get enough credit for the work they do, but one thing is for certain: their work is essential. As you read the articles on this website, we ask that you pay close attention to the vast nature of the work that roofers do. The next time you see a roof, you'll have even more appreciation for it.


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Preserving History, Protecting Your Home: How To Repair An Old Roof

Every home has a story to tell, and in the case of older homes, the roof is often the most eloquent storyteller. Guarding the secrets of the past, it stands as a silent testament to countless sunsets, relentless storms, and the rhythmic passage of seasons. 

The roof is the protective shield that safeguards your cherished abode. So when this sentinel shows signs of wear and tear, it's not merely a matter of fixing a few leaks—it becomes an act of preserving history and protecting your home. 

This article looks into repairing an old roof, a journey that intertwines respect for the past with the demands of the present.

Repoint the Chimney

Repointing the chimney is a crucial step in repairing an old roof, particularly in homes built in an era when fireplaces served as the primary heat source. Over time, the mortar that holds the chimney's bricks together can weather, crack, and crumble. This can lead to water seepage, affecting the chimney's structure and the roof's overall resilience against the elements. As such, reporting, which involves renewing these weathered and eroded joints, is a critical restoration method.

The process of repointing involves several steps. The old, damaged mortar is carefully removed from the joints between the bricks. This task is conducted meticulously to avoid causing any damage to the bricks themselves. 

Following this, fresh mortar is prepared, often to match the color and consistency of the original to maintain the historic aesthetic of the structure. The new mortar is then applied in layers into the empty joints to create a secure and waterproof seal. Doing so can effectively extend the life of an old roof. 

Use Roofing Cement

Roofing cement is a sealing agent that effectively blocks water infiltration. It's particularly useful for patching small holes, sealing leaks, and providing added protection around the roof's vulnerable areas, such as vents, chimneys, and skylights. Once you apply roofing cement in these areas, you augment the roof's ability to resist water penetration, enhancing its overall durability and lifespan.

In detail, the application process is straightforward and can be completed even by non-professionals. It involves thoroughly cleaning the area to be repaired, ensuring it is free from dust, debris, and any remaining moisture.

Once cleaned, a generous amount of roofing cement is applied to the area using a trowel. For holes, spread the cement beyond the edges, creating a wider seal that better prevents seepage. In cases of leaks, apply the cement on the interior and exterior to ensure a comprehensive seal.

Contact a local roofing company, such as Bluegrass Roofing & Restoration LLC, to learn more.