
The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

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The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

Not just anyone can be a roofer. To excel in this profession, you have to be bold and strong. You must be able to heave a heavy bundle of shingles up a ladder, drive nails into a hard surface, tell the difference between minor and severe damage, and so much more. Roofers do not always get enough credit for the work they do, but one thing is for certain: their work is essential. As you read the articles on this website, we ask that you pay close attention to the vast nature of the work that roofers do. The next time you see a roof, you'll have even more appreciation for it.


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Three Things To Do Before You Get Your Roof Replaced

When it's time to get your roof replaced, there are several things you can do before the installation to make sure everything goes safely and smoothly. To have the best experience, make sure your roof is in good shape and ready for a new installation, make sure you've chosen the right material, and establish a contract that has everything you need.

Have Your Roof Structure Inspected

Before your new roof is installed, it's a good idea to have your whole roof structure inspected. This will generally involve an inspection from both outside and inside to check for any sagging, wood damage, slope issues, or any other structural problems that could get worse with time. If you've had prior problems with leaks or pest infestations like termites, this could weaken and rot the wood supporting your roof.

These types of issues aren't always immediately obvious, but it's important to address them for a few reasons. First, taking care of any damage is easier while your roof is in the process of being replaced; if you choose to have any repairs done after your roof is replaced, it may need to be torn up again. Second, if you're adding a second layer of shingles on top of the first layer or using a heavier material, the weight could exacerbate any existing issues. Before your roof installation, make sure your roof is thoroughly inspected inside and out, and take care of any repairs as soon as you can.

Choose Your Material

When replacing your roof, you don't need to use the same material you did before. If you've been thinking about making a change, this is the best time to do so.

Each material has its own pros and cons. Asphalt shingle, for example, is the least expensive and quick to install, but generally has the shortest lifespan of roofing materials. Clay tiles, on the other hand, can last as long as decades more than asphalt shingles, but are more expensive and can suffer chipping damage.

If it's within your budget to use a different material for your new roof, talk to your installer to figure out what would benefit you most. Different colors and materials can have effects like improving your air conditioner's efficiency in warm weather by reflecting more sunlight or suffering less damage in certain weather conditions. Ask for samples of different materials and colors to see what would fit well with your home.

Finalize Your Contract

Before the installation begins, it's important to make sure your contract has everything you need and want in it. Make sure your contract includes every service your installer will be doing, as well as information about insurance, warranties, payment agreements and schedules, and product guarantees. If you want your old roofing material to be disposed of by your installer after it's removed, make sure this is included as well. This is the time to talk about any alterations to services or correct any mistakes.

Roofing contracts can also be negotiated, so if your prospective installer can give you everything you want but you aren't set on the price, see what you can do about lowering it, setting up financing or a payment plan, or any other vital details. There are many ways to get a roof installation project done, so work with your installer to see what they can do for you. Contact residential roofers in your area for assistance.