
The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

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The Few and the Fearless: A Blog About Roofers

Not just anyone can be a roofer. To excel in this profession, you have to be bold and strong. You must be able to heave a heavy bundle of shingles up a ladder, drive nails into a hard surface, tell the difference between minor and severe damage, and so much more. Roofers do not always get enough credit for the work they do, but one thing is for certain: their work is essential. As you read the articles on this website, we ask that you pay close attention to the vast nature of the work that roofers do. The next time you see a roof, you'll have even more appreciation for it.


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The Guide To Repairs That Need To Be Done When Reroofing Your Home

When you need to replace the shingles on your roof, you are going to have to tear off the old roofing. This can expose roof decking and damage to different areas of your roof that need to be repaired. You will want to identify the problems and have repairs done before you have new shingles installed on your home. The following tips will help you identify the problems that need to be repaired when reroofing your home.

1. Removing the Old Shingles and Evaluating Design for Problem Areas with Excessive Wear

The first step in preparing for reroofing is removing the old shingles from your home. When removing the old shingles, you will want to look for areas with more wear than others and damage beneath the roofing materials. These are areas where you may want to talk with the roof repair service about making slight changes to the structure to reduce excessive wear that leads to damage and leaks.

2. Repairing Areas of Roof Decking Where Leaks Have Caused Water Damage

There are also areas of your roof decking where leaks can cause water damage. These are not always easy to see on the surface. Look for darker discoloration and watermarks on the roof decking. If you step on the decking materials and they seem soft or weak, then this is probably an area that will need repairs before the new shingles are installed.

3. Inspecting the Eaves and Wood Structure of Your Roof for Problems That Need Repairs or Improvements

The wood structure of your roof can also be damaged, which is the roof rafters, bracing, and other woodwork. You will want to inspect these areas for problems and weaknesses that need to be repaired. Check the eaves and other areas where there was damage to decking for these problems.

4. Looking for Leaks and Rot That Have Started around Roof Vents, Mechanical Boots, and Chimneys

It is also important to inspect the roof for leaks around areas like vents, mechanical boots for plumbing and HVAC, and around chimneys. These are areas where runoff collects and can penetrate the roof and cause water damage. Replace these materials and make improvements to stop runoff from causing problems with wear and leaks in the future.

These are some of the repairs that are going to need to be done when reroofing your home. If you are ready to have new roofing installed, contact a reroofing repair service for help with these repairs before the new shingles are installed on your home.